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Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy

Glamorama - Comércio de Artigos de Moda SA , with registered office at Rua Professor Mota Pinto, no.6-C , 2610-152 Amadora , Lisbon, with share capital of 84,270.00 Euros registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Amadora under the unique registration number and legal entity 507 004 779 (“Chilli Beans”), is responsible for the processing of your personal data and intends to ensure that its processing is carried out in accordance with the privacy protection rules emerging from Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 and other applicable national legislation.

Through this document, Chilli Beans intends to provide detailed information about the use of your personal data, as well as the reason why it is processed.

1. Personal data processed by Chilli Beans

Chilli Beans only collects and processes the personal data necessary to provide its Customers with a quality service that is as personalized as possible, in accordance with what they committed to when signing the data collection authorization document.
As part of the data collection authorization that Chilli Beans carried out in its physical stores in Portugal, the company processes several categories of personal data, including:
a) Customer Data (including name, address, telephone, email, date of birth, tax number);
b) Transactional Data (including store, item purchased, discount coupon code used, among others);
c) Processed Data (for example, customer segmentation through analysis of consumption).
Chilli Beans processes the categories of personal data listed above only in cases where the respective customers have validly accepted the collection of data at the time of purchase.

Likewise, Chilli Beans does not process any special categories of personal data, i.e. data relating to racial or ethnic origin, health, life or sexual orientation, religious, philosophical beliefs or political opinions, or genetic or biometric data of its Customers.

2. Entity Responsible for Treatment

The entity responsible for processing Customers' personal data is Chilli Beans, as it is the entity responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing the personal data of all its Customers.

3. Reasons why Chilli Beans processes its Customers' data and in what situations this happens

Chilli Beans processes the personal data of its Customers to the extent necessary for the execution of the contract concluded with them, at the time they agreed to have their data collected in order to receive communications from the company. For this reason, personal data collected by Chilli Beans is processed for the following purposes:

a) The establishment of commercial relationships between Chilli Beans and Customers, namely, the activation of the after-sales service provided to all Customers when purchasing products, which imply a variable warranty period, which can reach a maximum period of 2 years.

b) The identification of products and/or services that may be of interest to its Customers, through statistical methods and the definition of Customer segmentation, with the aim of carrying out marketing actions that can be carried out through the following channels: email, telephone (via SMS or other direct communication applications such as the WhatsApp application, owned by WhatsApp Inc.), digital advertising via third parties (including social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, for example).

4. Recipients of Customer Personal Data

In order for Chilli Beans to be able to fulfill all its duties and offer relevant content to its Customers, namely information about new points of sale, exclusive seasonal benefits and other types of special offers, it may have to give other partner entities access to your personal data. However, all this information will always be restricted and protected in accordance with the regulations to which all Chilli Beans partners are also subject. Therefore, only the following entities may have access to Customers’ personal data:

a) Chilli Beans service providers, which include: services for sending communications via email or telephone and information technology services;

b) Public authorities, namely Tax Authorities and/or Judicial Courts, whenever requested under legal terms.

It should also be noted that all Chilli Beans service providers do not have any information regarding the consumption history or any processed data of Customers, collecting only the information necessary to perform the service provision in question. Additionally, all Chilli Beans Customers may at any time deny the transfer of their data to any third party.

5. Period of retention of your personal data

Chilli Beans only processes its Customers' personal data for the purposes indicated above and only for the period of time that is necessary to fulfill those same purposes:

a) For the purposes of the commercial relationship between Chilli Beans and its Customers, personal data will be kept for a maximum period of 2 years after the beginning of the commercial relationship.

b) For the purposes of carrying out marketing actions, which take into account the segmentation of Customers according to their profile and purchasing behaviors. Once the commercial relationship has ended, Customers' personal data will be maintained for mandatory legal periods or until the rights arising therefrom prescribe, under the terms of the law.

In any case, we reserve for all Chilli Beans Customers the undeniable right to withdraw their consent to the company's retention of data.

6. Consumption Profiles and Customer Segmentation

Chilli Beans segments Customers and analyzes their consumption patterns in order to provide them with the best benefits and product and/or service offers. For this reason, Customers' transactional data is analyzed, that is, the record of all products and/or services consumed. As an example, Chilli Beans analyzes which customers purchase products within the Sunglasses versus Watches category, at a given point of sale. This entire type of consumption analysis and segmentation has a singular objective that resides in clear and valuable communication for Chilli Beans Customers in order to prevent them from being subject to communications that are not in their interest.

7. Rights of Personal Data Holders

Chilli Beans only processes its Customers' personal data for the management purposes mentioned above.
As a data subject, the Customer enjoys the following rights:

Right of Access and Rectification

Whenever they wish, Customers can go to a physical Chilli Beans store in Portugal and request to consult the personal data that the company holds about them. Likewise, if it is their intention to change or remove any of this data, Customers may do so by making a direct request to the employee in the store or by email, to the following address

Right to Erasure (or "forgetfulness")

All Chilli Beans Customers have the right to demand the deletion of their personal data from records when they are no longer used for the purposes mentioned above, without prejudice, however, to the retention periods imposed by law.

Right to Portability

The Chilli Beans Customer has the right to request and receive from the company, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, the personal data that they have provided, that is, all the data that were provided at the time of carrying out the commercial relationship at the point physical sales.

Right of Opposition

Chilli Beans Customers also have the right to object, at their request and completely free of charge, to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes. Additionally, taking into account that all direct marketing actions may be carried out through different channels, Customers also have the right to inform Chilli Beans of their preferred means of communication to receive these same communications, making an update request of your preferences. To execute this request, simply send an email to

Right to Limitation of Treatment

In certain circumstances, Chilli Beans Customers may request the limitation of the processing of their data. This limitation may occur when:

a) Customers have contested the accuracy of their personal data, this contestation occurring during a period that allows Chilli Beans to verify their accuracy;

b) the processing carried out on the data has been processed illegally and the Customer opposes their total deletion, requesting, as an alternative, the limitation of their use;

c) Customers have requested Chilli Beans to limit the processing of data relating to a specific category.

Right to Information

All Customers have the right to be informed by Chilli Beans, among other things, about the objective purpose of processing their data, who may have access to it and what rights they have over all personal data collected by the company. Likewise, Customers also have the right to know all the necessary conditions in order to exercise their rights, with regard to the processing of their personal data and must also be aware of which data are mandatory to provide to Chilli Beans in the exercise restricted from the commercial relationship.

Client support

If you have any additional questions about the processing of your personal data, Chilli Beans is entirely at your disposal to clarify all your doubts. You can do so by sending a letter to the following address: Rua Professor Mota Pinto, no.6-C , 2610-152 Amadora , Lisbon, addressed to Glamorama - Comércio de Artigos de Moda SA or, alternatively, sending an email to customer support@

8. Digital Channels and Use of Cookies

As part of its communication strategy, Chilli Beans may use cookies when opening its emails, in order to calculate opening and click rates. This collection aims not only to adapt all communication tools to the Customers' consumption preferences and profile, but also to ensure that it only continues to communicate with them if they so wish. However, all Customers have the right to remove their email from the contact list, using the button for this purpose, located in the footer of all emails from Chilli Beans.

9. Stay Updated

All information mentioned above is subject to updating by Chilli Beans, resulting from its commitment to keeping your personal information protected and respecting all rules imposed by competent authorities, within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation. Therefore, Chilli Beans advises all its Customers to regularly consult this document so that they can be fully informed and in accordance with the data collection and processing procedures practiced by the company. However, whenever changes occur on this topic, Chilli Beans undertakes to inform you through the communication channels generally used by the company.